Veterans Day
Thank you for serving. God bless you and God bring you home.
A Postmodern Boston Tea Party
Just because progressives came up with a turnout-driving alternative on the left doesn't mean the gay marriage issue disappeared as an Election Day option on the right. In fact, voters in seven states approved constitutional amendments to bar same-sex marriage. Those states - Colorado, Idaho, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin; bring to 23 the number of states that have written provisions limiting marriage to a union between a man and a woman into their state constitutions, according to the Initiative and Referendum Institute.This is a very telling sign and will be the start of something much larger, if we do not put a stop to homophobia and ignorance at the ground level, starting now. I'm going to assume that you don't tolerate racism and racial slurs in your everyday life? Then why do we let homophobia slide by? Why do we have to tolerate bigotry, if it comes out of someone's religion? If I were to say that interracial marriage was against my religion, you would call me a racist, and you would be right. Then why is it more tolerable to be against marriage on the basis of sex? Bigotry is bigotry no matter how you slice it and it should not be tolerated by anyone, let alone someone who claims to believe in democratic ideals.
Show up at the State House anytime you can but the earlier the better. We expect to be greatly out-numbered by our anti-gay opponents. They are busing people in from all over the state and even from other states. The outcome of today's vote is uncertain. We need everyone who cares about equality to be at the State House. Gay or straight - if you care, be there. We cannot expect to be granted our rights, we need to fight for them. No social justice movement in history has had their rights handed to them. It takes all of us together to make change. You have an opportunity to impact the future of LGBT rights in this country. Do something. Show up. I will see you there.
Talking Point # 2 "When they say the terrorists want the Democrats to win. You say, are you insane? George Bush has been a terrorist's wet dream. He inflames radical hatred against America and then runs on offering to protect us from it. It's like a guy throwing shit on you, and then selling you relief from the flies."
VA: Webb 52-47 AllenSo that happened. That's six seats, which puts the Dems at 51 seats.
RI: Whitehouse 53-46 Chafee
PA: Casey 57-42 Santorum
OH: Brown 57-43 DeWine
NJ: Menendez 52-45 Kean, Jr.
MT: Tester 53-46 Burns
MO: McCaskill 50-48 Talent
MD: Cardin 53-46 Steele
TN: Corker 51-48 Ford
AZ: Kyl 50-46 Pederson